Dungeon 3 Turn 12


Kamau picks up the new leather armour and heads back down the ladder with Ricki. He then immediately engages the sun creature in the entry room, dealing some damage to it while taking none in return. His own armour seems to be holding up very well.

Ricki continues to the right, but as she goes she sees one of the two remaining bats getting swatted out of the air by a skeleton. It looks like the skeletons have been taking damage this whole time as well.

In the next room, Ricki arrives just in time to see a set of buggy legs disappear up the nearby ladder. Below, she sees two skeletons enter the room from the right. The ghoul pope, which Ricki’s Dungeon Eyes ability allows her to see and be fully baffled by, directs the new skeletons to join their fellows in the large group.