Dungeon 13 Turn 54


Lara runs past the winter wolves and along the ceiling, absorbing all of their attacks, then opens the trapped chest. Unfortunately the wolves follow to continue attacking her and set off the floor trigger, so the chest goes off twice, hitting Lara in the face with two blasts from an icy wand. She takes 3 damage due to the debuff she receives, but recovers it back from her armour. She takes the (depleted) wand as her reward.

Lara then leaves the room and heads left.

Amadeusz and Cordy attack the justiciar while Ricki readies the elemental heart. All three guards turn and attack Amadeusz, dealing 3 damage before the justiciar can be knocked out. The elemental marauder, along with its wisp companion, seems to target Cordy at random. Together they deal a whopping 7 damage.

Cordy has been slain.

Sort of. You can grow another one later.

All five of Cordy’s mushroom pets flee the dungeon in terror. All of Cordy’s items are dropped on the ground nearby.

Alarmed at the situation’s downward turn, Ricki throws the elemental heart at the marauder in the hopes of calming it down. It appears to fight against the enchantment, burning away much of its unstable power in the process.

What’s left behind is a human-sized fire elemental that appears to be too tired and weak to pose any threat. Ricki gets the impression that they weren’t at all in control of their actions up to this point, at least judging by the shackle around their neck.

But will the Guard see it that way?


Deals 2 ice damage at range and imposes -3 Def on the target for 3 turns. The penalty lessens by 1 each turn. Can only be used twice per dungeon.
Weight 1, Cost 45