Dungeon 13 Turn 26


Ricki goes through the second hole in the wall and then moves to the left through the doorway she ends up next to, putting her underneath the chamber with the supreme justiciar. The three winter wolves there attack her with frigid breath. She manages to evade one of them and takes only 1 damage. She then uses her Case ability on the justiciar, and thankfully confirms that he has no potions or rings or other hidden items.

After Amadeusz dumps his imperial chain armour and his heavy shield alongside the imperial longsword Lara dropped last turn, he, Lara, and Cordy head to the left to engage with the opponents in that room.

Lara runs past the guards and opens the chest, finding a hunting bow and a very deadly-looking arrow. She decides to keep the arrow and leave the bow. The elite and two of the regular guards attack her, but only one hits because Cordy slaps the torch off the wall, plunging the room into darkness. Lara takes no damage. The remaining guard doesn’t attack, however, because…

“They must have opened the door! Let the dogs loose!”

…he instead pulls one of the nearby levers, opening the three cages above and freeing two winter wolves and a hellhound. Amadeusz attempts to gain their loyalty (or at least their indifference) by offering them meat, but one of the wolves grabs the raw steak and jumps onto the cages to eat it more or less in one bite. The remaining two animals attack Amadeusz with their breath weapons, but deal no damage.


Can be used with a bow. All damage dealt with this arrow deals unblockable damage. Expended after use.
Weight 1 (Stack 6), Cost 12