Dungeon 2 Turn 1


Kamau takes the torch off the wall and starts using it in place of his broken sword for now. If he puts it away, this room will have no other source of light, and humans are notoriously bad at seeing in the dark. Half of his powerful swings would miss! Ricki would still be okay, of course, as goblins are naturally nocturnal.

Since the torch was unattended, he is also able to open the nearby chest. Inside he finds only a pair of empty mugs. At first these seem like a couple of useless objects the tavern owner forgot to take upstairs, but considering their goal here, Kamau decides to hold on to them. At the very least he can get some free drinks.

Ricki inspects the giant crack in the wall. It leads to a small tunnel behind the wooden boards on the walls, probably made by rats. It looks like it leads downward. The tunnel is just the perfect size for Ricki to climb up or down, but too small for Kamau. Using the tunnel would count the same as moving to another room.

Ricki also glances at the stuff on the floor nearby and confirms that it is broken glass. It’ll hurt to step on if they’re not careful.


Can be used to collect liquids.
Weight 1, Cost 1