Dungeon 12 Turn 44
Ricki wastes no time using the new staff to protect Amadeusz, allowing him to descend to the bottom of the well without fear of drowning. He then uses the wand to recover 1 HP and heads right to the central well.
Lara and her newly-arrived mushroom pet attack and destroy the blowfish that blocks their way. The mushroom dies, but spawns its replacement. Lara takes 1 unblockable damage from hitting the fish, but is then free to swim up and get a breath of non-helmet air.
Cordy continues their one-mushroom war against the skeletal swarmfish. Except I guess there’s been a whole lot more than one mushroom by this point.
Welp… There goes the meat for healing.
I suppose we could still have him attack the boss, he just gets +10def for the first turn of the fight
hoping no stun nor grapple in the boss character sheet
What happened to the meat?
The only person who can eat it was designated as our ‘stay out of the way healer ‘ for some reason
He’s the only option, really. Amad already has the wand, saving us having to trade.
Ricki and Lara both already have drowning immunity, and have 2 MOV to help with getting to air pockets.
It would have been at least turn 46 (44 mov to middle, get bubbled. 45 trade in shaft, COST 1 drowning on Amad to setup) before Cordy can start healing on the bottom. 47 to be a net positive.
Amad can start healing NOW and cost no drowning and no trading to setup. And it is only until big crab dies. We can sacrifice the bubble on the killing turn since we would then have air pockets on both side of the bottom and no major enemy left.
He could have dropped the wand. There are plenty of other ways it could have gone, but unfortunately this was one of the times where LSN updated early 🙁
He can’t drop and use the wand on the same turn. So that would mean 1 less healing to avoid 1 drowning on turn 44.
Please detail what was your planned actions for Cordy and Amad to get the wand on Cordy for turns 44 and 45. Add how many actions the setup took and how much net hp they gained.
With Amad, this is 0(No actions required from anyone to get the wand on him) and 2(he mends on turn 44 and 45).
With Cordy, I expect it to be like, 3 and 0.
WereAmy could (probably) be used to pick up some Wish Coins for the others.
I’ll repeat myself.We need a profit if we’re to purchase Upgrades/Paws items (atleast 2 Heartful Meals for the next dungeon).Maybe we should try to snatch the 2 chests above the Gigacrab.We have 6 turns to do it.
Alwayscwith the dislikes.
Embrace them
Cordy: Continue to sting fish fish.
Ama: Stay out of range of all enemies near the top of the screen, but heal Lara
Ricki: Go right and down. Attack a crab
Lara: Go right, get healed by Ama up top, then attack a crab. Go back left and end your turn somewhere breathable.
Any meat dropped in crab combat: Be left on the ground, so Ama can grab them when the coast is clear.
This does not work. Lara can’t leave the room after attacking.
Also, don’t we want the hat on Ricki? If she kills crabs first then go back up for hat, she wont have anything useful to do when going back down.
Ricki: Pick up the Full Helmet, leaving behind your thieves tools.
Amy: Head down, and Mend Lara as she reaches you.
Lara: Swim right, go to Amy to be mended, then back down to kill a crab.
Cordy: Eat a Shroom.
Continuation of Kat’s plan.
I don’t think eating a mushie is a good idea, we already have an empty pet slot and the skelefish might be the last new mushie of the dungeon.
Lara: Move right. Pass by Amad to get mended. Go kill a crab
Amad: Move down. Stay in upper tunnel of bottom room. Mend Lara.
Ricki: Loot full helm, drop lockpicks.
Cordy: Sting the fish.
Ricki: Right, down. Kill a crab.
Lara: Right, kill the other crab.
Amy: Down, mend Lara. Loot any meat that drops.
Cordy: Eat shroom.
Next turn Amy and Lara can engage the boss, Ricki can go back up for her helmet, Cordy can renew his shroom by stinging the fish again.
Do you think Amad+Lara oneshot the big crab? That’s only 16+8 damage. Many bosses can survive that.
I’m paranoid about Amad being in trouble if it survive because Amad will be left with 4 defense after poison water and no bubble. That’s why I like doing some damage with Lara first. Nothing survive 40 damage over 2 turn.
Why “Anonymous” Orange btw? You can just call yourself Orange, it wont dox you xD
I dont think it will OHKO, but I dont think theres any safe plan that would OHKO. 2HKO maybe. And Amy would likely be left with 6 defense if he started in a room of poison water. We know from previous turns that if you start in poison and dont move to a new room, the poison damage is halved & rounded down. Thats on top of all the HP he could have after eating raw meat.
Well Cordy, you missed the gig. Your agent has dropped you and the photographer has vowed you’ll never work as a professional model again. You blew it. Go sulk in a corner.
Ricki Go swim to the purple water and take a sip. With Lara in the helmet we have to make sure it’s poison and not just grape
Weremadeusz, the bubble looks fun to pop. Pop it
Lara, pick up those coins at your feet.