Intermission 9 Page 15


“Well, let’s see… as I said, this balcony looks a lot like how we lived when I was your age.”

“We would set up our camp anywhere we could find that hadn’t already been settled by someone else.”

“Back in those days, the Empire hadn’t spread over the entire continent just yet.”

“There were still several nomadic tribes. Not just goblins, either.”

“Did your tribe have a name?”

“No, not really. We were made up of the remnants of almost a dozen different clans.”

“If we’d stayed together longer, we might have chosen a new name.”

“But as it was, we were simply people who’d banded together because there were so few of us left.”

“Of course, that’s just how it was in my time.”

“Old people used to tell stories back when I was a little girl, too, you know.”

“Really? I don’t think you ever told me any of those.”


“I guess I didn’t.”

“Do you want to hear about it?”


“Heh, okay. Well, here’s what I can remember…”