Intermission 8 Page 20


“Me and Indi had brought the arachnomancer’s numbers back up to pre-retaliation levels, at least at our temple. With that being the case, the head priests decided it was time to hit the Empire directly again.”

“We gathered all of our acolytes, and all of the monsters the Goddess had sent to us, and we hit the very centre of the capital. The Imperial Plateau.”

“This was last year. You might have heard about it.”

“I think I remember something about a few arachnomancers being captured sneaking around?”

“That’s what they called it, since that’s about all it amounted to up on the surface.”

“See, we tried to come up through the old tunnels under the city, but the Guard knew.”

“I dunno if they had an informant, or if they just figured it was our most likely avenue of attack, or what.”

“The point is, they were ready for us.”

“It was an absolute massacre.”