Intermission 3 Page 6


“Lara’s not here to hurt us! She helped us out earlier when we went, uhh…”


“That’s… true.”

“All she needs is a place to stay for a little while.”

“Oh, so we’ve got the only altruistic arachnomancer in the WORLD sitting at our fire, is that it?”

“For what it’s worth, your fluids probably don’t even taste that good.”

“She DID help us out. And she had plenty of chances before and after that to attack one of us, if that’s what she wanted to do.”

“Human, you’re old enough to know what sort of things these people did before the Empire sealed the underground. The disappearances, the raids, the THINGS they released from the depths!”

“Of course I know. I have all the same reservations as you do.”

“I’m just saying, Lara hasn’t done anything like that since we met her. And I can’t imagine any benefit in biding her time instead of hitting us when she had the chance.”

“Well I want an explanation from her own mouth before I’ll even CONSIDER letting her stay here!”