Turn 00: R6K6. Entered dungeon, obtained goals.
Turn 01: R6K6. Used thieves tools (broke), went up stairs. Asked Kamau about visible enemies.
Turn 02: R4K7. Looted chest (cracked buckler), explored.
Turn 03: R5K5. Ricki walks over glass carefully, doesn’t hurt feet, does get zapped. Ricki takes 1 damage. Buckler unbroken.
Turn 04: R5K6. Wait for Kamau.
Turn 05: R4K4. Kamau attacks sunhead. Takes 2 damage.
Turn 06: R4K4. RK attack sunhead. Kamau takes 2 damage. Ricki steps on broken glass and takes 1 damage.
Turn 07: R4K4. RK attack sunhead, sunhead dies. Kamau takes 2 damage. Sunhead drops armor.
Turn 08: R4K6. Gave Kamau buckler, dagger and torch for thieves tools. Looted holy water & healing potion. K takes solar armor.
Turn 09: R4K6. Ricki opens midleft door, thieves tools unbroken. Kamau kills small skeleton, takes 1 damage, small skeleton wakes up bats. Armor unbroken.
Turn 10: R4K6. Ricki takes 1 damage from stalkroach. Finds leather. Kamau retreats up stairs. Armor unbroken.
Turn 11: R4K4. Ricki trades magic waters for buckler and torch. Kamau attacks stalkroach. Q1
Turn 12: R7K6. Kamau takes leather, attacks sunhead. Armor unbroken. Ricki spots stalkroach moving up ladder. 2 skeletons join below.
Turn 13: R6K6. RK attack sunhead. Armor unbroken. Q2. Last be below dies. Skeletons have been getting hurt.
Turn 14: R6K6. RK attack sunhead. Sunhead dies. Doesn’t drop armor. Armor unbroken. Room now dark.
Turn 15: R7K6. R takes longsword for torch. K attacks a skeleton with torch, doesn’t kill it. Torch unbroken. Armor unbroken. Lever! Chandelier kills the 8 large skeletons, 1 more Sk+SmSk since last seen. Ghoul pope distraught :p
Turn 16: R6K6. K swaps to leather. Kamau kills skeleton. Torch unbroken. R resets lever.
Turn 17: R6K6. R drops grave flowers, RK kill skeletons. RK swap torch and longsword again. Torch unbroken. K takes throwing dagger. Discussion about ghoul pope.
Turn 18: R6K7. K takes grave flowers, swaps to heavy armor. CHARGE! Armor unbroken. Ghoul pope wakes bats. K takes 2 damage. Flower wilts. R drops dagger for throwing dagger and waits.
Turn 19: R7K7. Ricki goes to lever. K kills ghoul pope. Armor unbroken. K paralyzed. Last flower wilts. Bats kill a skeleton.
Turn 20: R7K7. Lever kills 3 bats. Kamau takes 2 damage. Armor unbroken. K unparalyzed.
Turn 21: R6K7. K swaps to leather. K picks up hat. Bats hurt a skeleton.
Turn 22: R8K7. K interposes. R takes hat.
Turn 23: R7K7. Ricki kills a bat with a hat. K kills a skeleton.
Turn 24: R7K7. Ditto.
Turn 25: R8K8. K kills skeletal dog. R unsucessfully zaps a skeleton. New skeleton spawns from grave 3.
Turn 26: R8K8. K kills skeleton, R attacks one with dagger.
Turn 27: R8K8. K interposes. R tries to replant two flowers to graves 1 and 3. Gravestones worn down.
Turn 28: R8K8. K kills skeleton, R attacks one with dagger.
Turn 29: R8K8. K kills skeleton, R attacks one with dagger.
Turn 30: R8K8. Ricki did it! Skeleton dies. Three more skeletons spawn, graves 1, 3, and 4. K drinks potion and grabs arrows.
Turn 31: R8K8. K kills skeleton. R kills flowered skeleton.
Turn 32: R8K8. K kills flowered skeleton. R zaps ledge skeleton and it falls. Skeleton count: six in ghoul room, three plus dog in graveyard, eight spawns+wanderers. 10% per grave per turn?
Turn 33: R6K6. Talk about black skeletons, giant flies, and spiders with dog faces.
Turn 34: R4K4. Up to black skeleton door…
Turn 35: R5K5. But up again. K kills a skeleton dog. R hurts another. Q3.
Turn 36: R5K5. Weapon swap. RK kill skeleton dogs. Info about possible vertical movement. Sunhead not attacking them.
Turn 37: R3K4. Ricki boosted up.
Turn 38: R3K3. R kills bat. Buckler breaks. K moves chest and gets up.
Turn 39: R2K3. RK swap weapons again. K misses a bat.
Turn 40: R2K2. Patience.
Turn 41: R2K2. K uses solar armor. Kamau webbed. R holy bolts spider, K attacks. Armor unbroken.
Turn 42: R2K2. R holy bolts web, K attacks. Q4. Armor unbroken.
Turn 43: R2K2. R slashes web, K attacks. Armor unbroken. Kamau takes 1 damage. (poison bite)
Turn 44: R2K2. K attacks. Armor unbroken. Kamau takes 1 damage. COUNTERATTACK. Spider dies.
Turn 45: R2K2. Loot lower chest (K opens). R takes magic lens.
Turn 46: R3K1. Loot upper chest (K opens). Thieves tools. Ricki bolts a bat.
Turn 47: R1K1. K ties rope to rope.
Turn 48: R1K1. Find sun sphere. Shouting to drow fails.
Turn 49: R3K3. Q5.
Turn 50: R2K3. K interposes with solar armor. R drops thieves tools, gets rope. Armor unbroken. Ominus feeling.
Turn 51: R3K4. R ties rope to rope, grabs thieves tools. K wearing leather.
Turn 52: R4K7. Four skeletons on chandelier.
Turn 53: R5K5. Ricki opens black skeleton door. Thieves tools break. K pulls lever, trapping skeletons.
Turn 54: R4K4. K interposes with solar armor. Armor unbroken. R takes rope.
Turn 55: R3K3. K uses leather.
Turn 56: R5K5. R ties rope to rope. Ricki gets thieves tools. Both on ladder.
Turn 57: R5K5. R throws dagger at sunhead. K attacks. Heroic effort trigger. K uses solar armor. Armor unbroken.
Turn 58: R5K5. R punches sunhead. K attacks. Armor unbroken.
Turn 59: R5K5. R ties rope to winch. K kills sunhead. Armor unbroken. R takes throwing dagger. Sunhead doesn’t drop armor.
Turn 60: R3K6. GONG. Bats wake up stunned.
Turn 61: R1K7. K bullrush fails. Drow came down from above. Armor unbroken.
Turn 62: R1K4L1. K flees. Lara recruited. Armor…? Unsure if hit. Assuming not.
Turn 63: R3K3L3. K dashes through the bats. Takes one damage. Armor unbroken. Thinks Lara is spider cultist.
Turn 64: R3K3L3. Debate.
Turn 65: R3K3L3. Debate. Give Lara torch and dagger.
Turn 66: R3K3L3. Magic lens on Faithless. Which just arrived.
Turn 67: R3K3L3. R: Hat, K: Holy water longsword, L: dagger. K takes 1 damage. Equipment swap, solar armor to Lara, sun sphere to Kamau
Turn 68: R3K3L3. R: Hat, K: Holy longsword, L: dagger. R takes 2 damage. Kamau maxes remorse!
Turn 69: R2K3L3. R: Run up, give L hat. L: Hat–INTERRUPT. L uses venomous barrage! Faithless dies! Dungeon over! Armor breaks. (L would take 2 damage)
Q1: “It takes modest damage, but its tough carapace deflects most of it” Plus two spurts of green blood. Guessing 3 def.
Q2: “The creature seems particularly focused on fighting Kamau for some reason, ignoring Ricki completely. The first one seemed to at least register her presence when she joined the fight.” Might just be the armor, but I wonder if there was some way to bypass them.
Q3: “For whatever reason, Kamau thinks this group of dogs seems to be less powerful than the one he fought earlier.” This totally has something to do with the sunheads.
Q4: “Kamau continues to attack the spider, but the web prevents him from dealing much damage. The spider still deals no damage in return.
Ricki fires a holy bolt at the web. It seems to be somewhat effective at breaking the threads, but the web holds strong for now.” 3 def spider I think. Web 2-3 HP.
Q5: “After confirming that the grate in the belfry has no lock, can’t be opened or removed, and doesn’t have wide enough gaps to fire a holy bolt through”
Other thoughts:
Maybe should’ve tried cutting rope in the turns we were waiting. I guess we weren’t sure if we might need it as an extra escape route? Would’ve been more loot.
Some statistics:
Armor survived: 20 hits. (12.2%)
Torch survived: 3 hits. (72.9%)
Buckler survived one hit and broke (35.7%. 30% less, 34.3% more)
3 uses of thieves tools, two breaks.
Ricki took damage 4 times, once from a known trap. 5 total damage.
Kamau took damage 9 times, 1 counterattack. In four of those instances of damage, a counterattack wouldn’t have saved further HP. (The actual CA may or may not have–don’t know how much HP the spider had, or how its poison works. But I’d bet it did.) In one of the four it’s questionable if counterattack could trigger at all. 15 total damage.
^My notes that I use for reference. Trust at your own peril.
Good idea, reclaiming rope during those debate turns would’ve been another 4 gold. We could have only safely recovered the top segment as the rest would’ve been past bats, but we could’ve untied at the base of 2 and up at 1 then dashed back down to 3 over those three turns of waiting. Would’ve also given an opening to go mess with the flies and discover what they were. I think we were still stuck on seeing our inventories full, we didn’t have Lara’s capacity in mind.
Q3: Interesting thought, though the other skeleton dog was in actual sunlight. I assumed it had to do with the skeleton dog being with a humanoid skeleton. We didn’t get a hint about the dog with the rope guards.
It was clarified on stream that skeletons spawned at 30% chance per grave (minus 10 per planted flower) once every 5 turns and could move left if there were at least 5 in a group, hence why there were 4 out back. The turn 50 ominous feeling bumped that spawn rate to 50%. We saw one spawn on turn 25 and three on turn 30. Turn 22 had my skeleton count notes, 2 on turn 12, 2 over turns 13-14, and 1 on turn 17. I think we got a lot on turn 10, one on turn 15, and none on turn 20.
2 years ago
How many Cigarettes does 1 Pack contain? How many rounds does 1 Cigarette hold? What happens if Lara runs out of Cigarettes? [And do we want to know the details, or should it be sufficient that the answer contains “gates of hell” and “Apocalypse” ?] Does the Dawn Mitre protect against second-hand smoking? Do Kamau and Lara have health insurance which covers therapy regarding remorse and addiction?
For clarity: Yes, Lara used Venomous Barrage and Web Walls in the last dungeon. She still starts with 0 Corruption. Her decision then doesn’t count against us. She has been using this forbidden magic for a long time before meeting us, and her time is starting to run out.
Also, confirmation that solar armour is considered associated with a god. She only got effective +2 defense from it.
If I remember well, LSN didn’t state in the stream what happens when Lara’s ‘transformation’ triggers? Sounds ominous, but then, maybe she’s still friendly and in-team, but changes stats&abilities to i.e. less useful?
We should definitely ask her at some point, just to confirm that Kamau was also correct about arachnomancers 🙂
He did not. He did speak only in terms of using up to the seventh point even if we were to leave her on the bench, and the implication is that she would not be controllable anymore. Lara should probably know what will happen if this is something that has happened to others, but she’s also a special case given the excommunication – this could go better (deathbed repentance) or worse (Devil spitefully twisting the contract). The only way to find out is to watch it happen to our friend.
If you missed them: My stream debrief notes are on the level-up page.
I think there’s one thing that LSN mentioned that you didn’t add to your summary.
It was about the bat, namely that the venomous ones (the ones with the purple and yellow colour scheme, which are allegedly more dangerous) can be mixed among the normal ones, and are not distinguishable from the normal ones while roosted.
Since the venomous ones seem to make the regular ones more dangerous, too (either by buffing them or just by adding more attack value that we’d be counting on from the mere number of bats), that’s something well worth being aware of for the future.
2 years ago
Awww, man, we didn’t get another “Ricki-Kamau” bonding point, either. 🙁
Or does that happen after the intermission, does anyone remember?
Nope, this is when that would happen. Didn’t stick the landing.
We have another ally to protect too, so this won’t get easier. Plus side, it is now feasible to put Kamau on full defense while the girls carve enemies up, 3 base attack plus two weapons can effectively punch through where Ricki alone just couldn’t make an impact. Of course, Kamau is still the heaviest hitter, so there’s always the temptation to swing with everyone.
He’s the heaviest hitter, but he’s “only” worth 3, plus whatever our 3rd best weapon is at any given time. Still definitely tempting to use, but at this point Lara and Ricki should be able to outdamage him alone, which was previously impossible.
Wrap up stream notes are on previous page. My lessons learned:
– Hit and run! Moving away from a group of enemies, even in the same room, can stop them from getting a parting shot if we do something else on the next turn. Most enemies don’t follow.
– There are traps which we can’t see with Trap Detection I! Saying we look for traps doesn’t help.
– Exploring a new room is always safe on that turn, but it is possible to be attacked on the next turn.
– Ricki is much more durable now, but that only helps when we know about the enemies we’re dealing with. (And find traps.) Splitting enemy attacks is possible but inconsistent.
– Inventory space is still at a premium. Armour is heavy. Shields are situational. Lara makes a big difference here.
– We’re decent at parkour. There’s lots of ways to traverse rooms with open areas. Chests are good foot stools.
– We’re getting better at identifying hints. Still overthinking, the chandelier really was that obvious. People did correctly guess the rope early, I was personally thrown off by how it’s the same colour as the buckler. Steps past the bell were unclear, it was correct to leave Lara alone until later.
– There’s no point killing enemies if they don’t drop anything and we only need to go by them once or twice. Counterpoint: Any amount of damage on a choke point slows down movement, especially when we can’t predict who will be hit.
– Intercede is pointless if it’s just covering one person taking an action in a danger zone. Kamau can just walk in and do it himself, opening up the other person’s action. Now that we have two allies for Intercede to cover, it is much more useful.
– Light is a concern, keeping one torch was a good call. There are different types of light sources.
– Three sets of thieves tools was too many. They mostly took up inventory space, we only unlocked three locks with two sets and found more tools plus could’ve gone for a key.
– Kamau is powerful at low HP. Counterattack isn’t reliable (1/9 so far) but does obliterate individual targets.
– Moving enemies is possible, but not when they’re in heavy armour.
– Remorse can happen. As expected, it immediately shuts us out of Kamau’s inventory, and negates his level up even on making it to the second-last turn. Give Kamau the less effective equipment if there’s a risk of his Blue Screen of Death.
– Kamau has Kamau’s Hilt! It doesn’t matter who has what weapon if everyone attacks the same target. Counterattack does benefit, but will probably be overkill.
– Investing effort in a secondary objective works. Everyone was worried about skeletons escaping, but once we took down the Ghoul Pope they never left.
– Venom bats can be hidden along regular bats. Bats can indeed soften enemies up and we aren’t the only ones that can activate them. Bat targets are random, but start out with the closest target which can be manipulated with ranged attacks. Clearing them out on our terms may be preferable to nasty surprises, and it’s preferable to have enemies waste their time on that miss chance than spending our turns.
– Kamau has Kamau’s Hilt! It doesn’t matter who has what weapon if everyone attacks the same target. Counterattack does benefit, but will probably be overkill.
I disagree on the “it doesn’t matter” statement. a) it matters if Kamau gets “knocked out” by remorse (like it did in this dungeon and we couldn’t access the temporary holy longsword anymore). It also matters for b) counterattack (higher attack value, more damage dealt through counter-attack). It might additionally matter c) if we ever get “#weapon proficiency” skills for anyone (than that person should ideally get stuck with such a weapon as they are proficient for). It most certainly matters if d) Kamau is interposing (the he should not have the “best” weapon, if someone else can actually use it instead to score a hit). It might matter in other situations that I can’t think of atm.
If you were trying to say that Kamau should stick with “just” the hilt more often and leave more efficient weapons to other characters, then I agree with that idea by and large (especially since counterattack doesn’t seem to trigger much, unfortunately).
Still, he is the toughest of the bunch (if we can get him some armour again, atm he is on par with Ricki and her leather armour) and will most likely be part of most fights. Some of them he’ll probably be able to weather all by himself, in such cases it could be useful for him to be more efficient (by giving him weapon with more than +1 Attack value).
Pretty much, yeah. I call attention here specifically for case a, as it’d have been a lot less stressful if Lara held the holy longsword in that boss fight. I agree “it doesn’t matter” is a poor choice of words here, my intent is more “we shouldn’t take for granted that Kamau needs to use the biggest weapon just because he has the most base attack”. It is better to have 5 attack on one character if they’re the only combatant, but with multiple fighters then all the attack is added together. We also had a great turn with the weapon swap to cleanly take out skeleton dogs, overkill damage is wasted.
Kamau fighting on his own is a very reasonable use of time if the girls have something safe to do, during which time it’s great to spike his stats.
2 years ago
Thief, Fallen Champion, Excommunicated Arachnomancer. Wow, we’ve got a real group of misfits and rejects. Aren’t you supposed to lose your divine abilities when excommunicated? How can you not be in communion with Lolth and yet still receive spells from Lolth?
Lara has some really evil abilities. What say we amp up her corruption and turn her into a spider? She’d probably be stronger that way.
We never used the Holy Bowling Ball. Oh well. It’s still worth something. And we have an arrow but no bow.
Find a cleric, get Kamau’s arm regenerated already.
I think corruption is a constraint much like Kamau’s remorse. Except remorse is temporary, and Lara’s transformation is not. I doubt it will benefit us. At the very least she’ll lose her spider abilities permanently, so we should use them only in extreme cases.
The will of a church and the will of the deity (of said church) are not necessarily the same. So I think it’s perfectly possible to fall into disgrace with (one wing of) the church of a god, but not the god themselves.
In fact I think it’s kind of a “running joke” in many media that deal with the topic, that the god almost never intended thing to be ruled/dealt with/interpreted as the people who claim to believe in said god the most are practicing it.
Spider Minstrel
2 years ago
8 seems to be an important number to Lara. Hoo hoo.
Also: I suppose she’s neutral evil?
Dungeon 3 turn summary
Rooms (my numbering):
Turn 00: R6K6. Entered dungeon, obtained goals.
Turn 01: R6K6. Used thieves tools (broke), went up stairs. Asked Kamau about visible enemies.
Turn 02: R4K7. Looted chest (cracked buckler), explored.
Turn 03: R5K5. Ricki walks over glass carefully, doesn’t hurt feet, does get zapped. Ricki takes 1 damage. Buckler unbroken.
Turn 04: R5K6. Wait for Kamau.
Turn 05: R4K4. Kamau attacks sunhead. Takes 2 damage.
Turn 06: R4K4. RK attack sunhead. Kamau takes 2 damage. Ricki steps on broken glass and takes 1 damage.
Turn 07: R4K4. RK attack sunhead, sunhead dies. Kamau takes 2 damage. Sunhead drops armor.
Turn 08: R4K6. Gave Kamau buckler, dagger and torch for thieves tools. Looted holy water & healing potion. K takes solar armor.
Turn 09: R4K6. Ricki opens midleft door, thieves tools unbroken. Kamau kills small skeleton, takes 1 damage, small skeleton wakes up bats. Armor unbroken.
Turn 10: R4K6. Ricki takes 1 damage from stalkroach. Finds leather. Kamau retreats up stairs. Armor unbroken.
Turn 11: R4K4. Ricki trades magic waters for buckler and torch. Kamau attacks stalkroach. Q1
Turn 12: R7K6. Kamau takes leather, attacks sunhead. Armor unbroken. Ricki spots stalkroach moving up ladder. 2 skeletons join below.
Turn 13: R6K6. RK attack sunhead. Armor unbroken. Q2. Last be below dies. Skeletons have been getting hurt.
Turn 14: R6K6. RK attack sunhead. Sunhead dies. Doesn’t drop armor. Armor unbroken. Room now dark.
Turn 15: R7K6. R takes longsword for torch. K attacks a skeleton with torch, doesn’t kill it. Torch unbroken. Armor unbroken. Lever! Chandelier kills the 8 large skeletons, 1 more Sk+SmSk since last seen. Ghoul pope distraught :p
Turn 16: R6K6. K swaps to leather. Kamau kills skeleton. Torch unbroken. R resets lever.
Turn 17: R6K6. R drops grave flowers, RK kill skeletons. RK swap torch and longsword again. Torch unbroken. K takes throwing dagger. Discussion about ghoul pope.
Turn 18: R6K7. K takes grave flowers, swaps to heavy armor. CHARGE! Armor unbroken. Ghoul pope wakes bats. K takes 2 damage. Flower wilts. R drops dagger for throwing dagger and waits.
Turn 19: R7K7. Ricki goes to lever. K kills ghoul pope. Armor unbroken. K paralyzed. Last flower wilts. Bats kill a skeleton.
Turn 20: R7K7. Lever kills 3 bats. Kamau takes 2 damage. Armor unbroken. K unparalyzed.
Turn 21: R6K7. K swaps to leather. K picks up hat. Bats hurt a skeleton.
Turn 22: R8K7. K interposes. R takes hat.
Turn 23: R7K7. Ricki kills a bat with a hat. K kills a skeleton.
Turn 24: R7K7. Ditto.
Turn 25: R8K8. K kills skeletal dog. R unsucessfully zaps a skeleton. New skeleton spawns from grave 3.
Turn 26: R8K8. K kills skeleton, R attacks one with dagger.
Turn 27: R8K8. K interposes. R tries to replant two flowers to graves 1 and 3. Gravestones worn down.
Turn 28: R8K8. K kills skeleton, R attacks one with dagger.
Turn 29: R8K8. K kills skeleton, R attacks one with dagger.
Turn 30: R8K8. Ricki did it! Skeleton dies. Three more skeletons spawn, graves 1, 3, and 4. K drinks potion and grabs arrows.
Turn 31: R8K8. K kills skeleton. R kills flowered skeleton.
Turn 32: R8K8. K kills flowered skeleton. R zaps ledge skeleton and it falls. Skeleton count: six in ghoul room, three plus dog in graveyard, eight spawns+wanderers. 10% per grave per turn?
Turn 33: R6K6. Talk about black skeletons, giant flies, and spiders with dog faces.
Turn 34: R4K4. Up to black skeleton door…
Turn 35: R5K5. But up again. K kills a skeleton dog. R hurts another. Q3.
Turn 36: R5K5. Weapon swap. RK kill skeleton dogs. Info about possible vertical movement. Sunhead not attacking them.
Turn 37: R3K4. Ricki boosted up.
Turn 38: R3K3. R kills bat. Buckler breaks. K moves chest and gets up.
Turn 39: R2K3. RK swap weapons again. K misses a bat.
Turn 40: R2K2. Patience.
Turn 41: R2K2. K uses solar armor. Kamau webbed. R holy bolts spider, K attacks. Armor unbroken.
Turn 42: R2K2. R holy bolts web, K attacks. Q4. Armor unbroken.
Turn 43: R2K2. R slashes web, K attacks. Armor unbroken. Kamau takes 1 damage. (poison bite)
Turn 44: R2K2. K attacks. Armor unbroken. Kamau takes 1 damage. COUNTERATTACK. Spider dies.
Turn 45: R2K2. Loot lower chest (K opens). R takes magic lens.
Turn 46: R3K1. Loot upper chest (K opens). Thieves tools. Ricki bolts a bat.
Turn 47: R1K1. K ties rope to rope.
Turn 48: R1K1. Find sun sphere. Shouting to drow fails.
Turn 49: R3K3. Q5.
Turn 50: R2K3. K interposes with solar armor. R drops thieves tools, gets rope. Armor unbroken. Ominus feeling.
Turn 51: R3K4. R ties rope to rope, grabs thieves tools. K wearing leather.
Turn 52: R4K7. Four skeletons on chandelier.
Turn 53: R5K5. Ricki opens black skeleton door. Thieves tools break. K pulls lever, trapping skeletons.
Turn 54: R4K4. K interposes with solar armor. Armor unbroken. R takes rope.
Turn 55: R3K3. K uses leather.
Turn 56: R5K5. R ties rope to rope. Ricki gets thieves tools. Both on ladder.
Turn 57: R5K5. R throws dagger at sunhead. K attacks. Heroic effort trigger. K uses solar armor. Armor unbroken.
Turn 58: R5K5. R punches sunhead. K attacks. Armor unbroken.
Turn 59: R5K5. R ties rope to winch. K kills sunhead. Armor unbroken. R takes throwing dagger. Sunhead doesn’t drop armor.
Turn 60: R3K6. GONG. Bats wake up stunned.
Turn 61: R1K7. K bullrush fails. Drow came down from above. Armor unbroken.
Turn 62: R1K4L1. K flees. Lara recruited. Armor…? Unsure if hit. Assuming not.
Turn 63: R3K3L3. K dashes through the bats. Takes one damage. Armor unbroken. Thinks Lara is spider cultist.
Turn 64: R3K3L3. Debate.
Turn 65: R3K3L3. Debate. Give Lara torch and dagger.
Turn 66: R3K3L3. Magic lens on Faithless. Which just arrived.
Turn 67: R3K3L3. R: Hat, K: Holy water longsword, L: dagger. K takes 1 damage. Equipment swap, solar armor to Lara, sun sphere to Kamau
Turn 68: R3K3L3. R: Hat, K: Holy longsword, L: dagger. R takes 2 damage. Kamau maxes remorse!
Turn 69: R2K3L3. R: Run up, give L hat. L: Hat–INTERRUPT. L uses venomous barrage! Faithless dies! Dungeon over! Armor breaks. (L would take 2 damage)
Q1: “It takes modest damage, but its tough carapace deflects most of it” Plus two spurts of green blood. Guessing 3 def.
Q2: “The creature seems particularly focused on fighting Kamau for some reason, ignoring Ricki completely. The first one seemed to at least register her presence when she joined the fight.” Might just be the armor, but I wonder if there was some way to bypass them.
Q3: “For whatever reason, Kamau thinks this group of dogs seems to be less powerful than the one he fought earlier.” This totally has something to do with the sunheads.
Q4: “Kamau continues to attack the spider, but the web prevents him from dealing much damage. The spider still deals no damage in return.
Ricki fires a holy bolt at the web. It seems to be somewhat effective at breaking the threads, but the web holds strong for now.” 3 def spider I think. Web 2-3 HP.
Q5: “After confirming that the grate in the belfry has no lock, can’t be opened or removed, and doesn’t have wide enough gaps to fire a holy bolt through”
Other thoughts:
Maybe should’ve tried cutting rope in the turns we were waiting. I guess we weren’t sure if we might need it as an extra escape route? Would’ve been more loot.
Some statistics:
Armor survived: 20 hits. (12.2%)
Torch survived: 3 hits. (72.9%)
Buckler survived one hit and broke (35.7%. 30% less, 34.3% more)
3 uses of thieves tools, two breaks.
Ricki took damage 4 times, once from a known trap. 5 total damage.
Kamau took damage 9 times, 1 counterattack. In four of those instances of damage, a counterattack wouldn’t have saved further HP. (The actual CA may or may not have–don’t know how much HP the spider had, or how its poison works. But I’d bet it did.) In one of the four it’s questionable if counterattack could trigger at all. 15 total damage.
^My notes that I use for reference. Trust at your own peril.
Nice, good to have this in one place.
Good idea, reclaiming rope during those debate turns would’ve been another 4 gold. We could have only safely recovered the top segment as the rest would’ve been past bats, but we could’ve untied at the base of 2 and up at 1 then dashed back down to 3 over those three turns of waiting. Would’ve also given an opening to go mess with the flies and discover what they were. I think we were still stuck on seeing our inventories full, we didn’t have Lara’s capacity in mind.
Q3: Interesting thought, though the other skeleton dog was in actual sunlight. I assumed it had to do with the skeleton dog being with a humanoid skeleton. We didn’t get a hint about the dog with the rope guards.
It was clarified on stream that skeletons spawned at 30% chance per grave (minus 10 per planted flower) once every 5 turns and could move left if there were at least 5 in a group, hence why there were 4 out back. The turn 50 ominous feeling bumped that spawn rate to 50%. We saw one spawn on turn 25 and three on turn 30. Turn 22 had my skeleton count notes, 2 on turn 12, 2 over turns 13-14, and 1 on turn 17. I think we got a lot on turn 10, one on turn 15, and none on turn 20.
How many Cigarettes does 1 Pack contain? How many rounds does 1 Cigarette hold? What happens if Lara runs out of Cigarettes? [And do we want to know the details, or should it be sufficient that the answer contains “gates of hell” and “Apocalypse” ?] Does the Dawn Mitre protect against second-hand smoking? Do Kamau and Lara have health insurance which covers therapy regarding remorse and addiction?
For clarity: Yes, Lara used Venomous Barrage and Web Walls in the last dungeon. She still starts with 0 Corruption. Her decision then doesn’t count against us. She has been using this forbidden magic for a long time before meeting us, and her time is starting to run out.
Also, confirmation that solar armour is considered associated with a god. She only got effective +2 defense from it.
If I remember well, LSN didn’t state in the stream what happens when Lara’s ‘transformation’ triggers? Sounds ominous, but then, maybe she’s still friendly and in-team, but changes stats&abilities to i.e. less useful?
We should definitely ask her at some point, just to confirm that Kamau was also correct about arachnomancers 🙂
He did not. He did speak only in terms of using up to the seventh point even if we were to leave her on the bench, and the implication is that she would not be controllable anymore. Lara should probably know what will happen if this is something that has happened to others, but she’s also a special case given the excommunication – this could go better (deathbed repentance) or worse (Devil spitefully twisting the contract). The only way to find out is to watch it happen to our friend.
If you missed them: My stream debrief notes are on the level-up page.
I think there’s one thing that LSN mentioned that you didn’t add to your summary.
It was about the bat, namely that the venomous ones (the ones with the purple and yellow colour scheme, which are allegedly more dangerous) can be mixed among the normal ones, and are not distinguishable from the normal ones while roosted.
Since the venomous ones seem to make the regular ones more dangerous, too (either by buffing them or just by adding more attack value that we’d be counting on from the mere number of bats), that’s something well worth being aware of for the future.
Awww, man, we didn’t get another “Ricki-Kamau” bonding point, either. 🙁
Or does that happen after the intermission, does anyone remember?
Nope, this is when that would happen. Didn’t stick the landing.
We have another ally to protect too, so this won’t get easier. Plus side, it is now feasible to put Kamau on full defense while the girls carve enemies up, 3 base attack plus two weapons can effectively punch through where Ricki alone just couldn’t make an impact. Of course, Kamau is still the heaviest hitter, so there’s always the temptation to swing with everyone.
He’s the heaviest hitter, but he’s “only” worth 3, plus whatever our 3rd best weapon is at any given time. Still definitely tempting to use, but at this point Lara and Ricki should be able to outdamage him alone, which was previously impossible.
Wrap up stream notes are on previous page. My lessons learned:
– Hit and run! Moving away from a group of enemies, even in the same room, can stop them from getting a parting shot if we do something else on the next turn. Most enemies don’t follow.
– There are traps which we can’t see with Trap Detection I! Saying we look for traps doesn’t help.
– Exploring a new room is always safe on that turn, but it is possible to be attacked on the next turn.
– Ricki is much more durable now, but that only helps when we know about the enemies we’re dealing with. (And find traps.) Splitting enemy attacks is possible but inconsistent.
– Inventory space is still at a premium. Armour is heavy. Shields are situational. Lara makes a big difference here.
– We’re decent at parkour. There’s lots of ways to traverse rooms with open areas. Chests are good foot stools.
– We’re getting better at identifying hints. Still overthinking, the chandelier really was that obvious. People did correctly guess the rope early, I was personally thrown off by how it’s the same colour as the buckler. Steps past the bell were unclear, it was correct to leave Lara alone until later.
– There’s no point killing enemies if they don’t drop anything and we only need to go by them once or twice. Counterpoint: Any amount of damage on a choke point slows down movement, especially when we can’t predict who will be hit.
– Intercede is pointless if it’s just covering one person taking an action in a danger zone. Kamau can just walk in and do it himself, opening up the other person’s action. Now that we have two allies for Intercede to cover, it is much more useful.
– Light is a concern, keeping one torch was a good call. There are different types of light sources.
– Three sets of thieves tools was too many. They mostly took up inventory space, we only unlocked three locks with two sets and found more tools plus could’ve gone for a key.
– Kamau is powerful at low HP. Counterattack isn’t reliable (1/9 so far) but does obliterate individual targets.
– Moving enemies is possible, but not when they’re in heavy armour.
– Remorse can happen. As expected, it immediately shuts us out of Kamau’s inventory, and negates his level up even on making it to the second-last turn. Give Kamau the less effective equipment if there’s a risk of his Blue Screen of Death.
– Kamau has Kamau’s Hilt! It doesn’t matter who has what weapon if everyone attacks the same target. Counterattack does benefit, but will probably be overkill.
– Investing effort in a secondary objective works. Everyone was worried about skeletons escaping, but once we took down the Ghoul Pope they never left.
– Venom bats can be hidden along regular bats. Bats can indeed soften enemies up and we aren’t the only ones that can activate them. Bat targets are random, but start out with the closest target which can be manipulated with ranged attacks. Clearing them out on our terms may be preferable to nasty surprises, and it’s preferable to have enemies waste their time on that miss chance than spending our turns.
I disagree on the “it doesn’t matter” statement. a) it matters if Kamau gets “knocked out” by remorse (like it did in this dungeon and we couldn’t access the temporary holy longsword anymore). It also matters for b) counterattack (higher attack value, more damage dealt through counter-attack). It might additionally matter c) if we ever get “#weapon proficiency” skills for anyone (than that person should ideally get stuck with such a weapon as they are proficient for). It most certainly matters if d) Kamau is interposing (the he should not have the “best” weapon, if someone else can actually use it instead to score a hit). It might matter in other situations that I can’t think of atm.
If you were trying to say that Kamau should stick with “just” the hilt more often and leave more efficient weapons to other characters, then I agree with that idea by and large (especially since counterattack doesn’t seem to trigger much, unfortunately).
Still, he is the toughest of the bunch (if we can get him some armour again, atm he is on par with Ricki and her leather armour) and will most likely be part of most fights. Some of them he’ll probably be able to weather all by himself, in such cases it could be useful for him to be more efficient (by giving him weapon with more than +1 Attack value).
Pretty much, yeah. I call attention here specifically for case a, as it’d have been a lot less stressful if Lara held the holy longsword in that boss fight. I agree “it doesn’t matter” is a poor choice of words here, my intent is more “we shouldn’t take for granted that Kamau needs to use the biggest weapon just because he has the most base attack”. It is better to have 5 attack on one character if they’re the only combatant, but with multiple fighters then all the attack is added together. We also had a great turn with the weapon swap to cleanly take out skeleton dogs, overkill damage is wasted.
Kamau fighting on his own is a very reasonable use of time if the girls have something safe to do, during which time it’s great to spike his stats.
Thief, Fallen Champion, Excommunicated Arachnomancer. Wow, we’ve got a real group of misfits and rejects. Aren’t you supposed to lose your divine abilities when excommunicated? How can you not be in communion with Lolth and yet still receive spells from Lolth?
Lara has some really evil abilities. What say we amp up her corruption and turn her into a spider? She’d probably be stronger that way.
We never used the Holy Bowling Ball. Oh well. It’s still worth something. And we have an arrow but no bow.
Find a cleric, get Kamau’s arm regenerated already.
I think corruption is a constraint much like Kamau’s remorse. Except remorse is temporary, and Lara’s transformation is not. I doubt it will benefit us. At the very least she’ll lose her spider abilities permanently, so we should use them only in extreme cases.
It’s the church that excommunicated her. The church can’t tell the god what to do.
The will of a church and the will of the deity (of said church) are not necessarily the same. So I think it’s perfectly possible to fall into disgrace with (one wing of) the church of a god, but not the god themselves.
In fact I think it’s kind of a “running joke” in many media that deal with the topic, that the god almost never intended thing to be ruled/dealt with/interpreted as the people who claim to believe in said god the most are practicing it.
8 seems to be an important number to Lara. Hoo hoo.
Also: I suppose she’s neutral evil?